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Baking bread and painting poppies at Abbotsleigh Care Home

This week at Abbotsleigh Care Home we’ve been busy with a host of activities.

We were eager to make some bread so we could try out our new bread maker! We had fun mixing the bread dough and it smelt delicious when it was cooking. We really enjoyed tasting the fruits of our labour.

Our ladies and gents spent a morning outside on our terrace, taking in the fresh air whilst they drank tea and enjoyed socialising.

We also had a colourful art session this week, when some of our residents put paint to canvas to create some lovely poppy pictures for the Poppy Appeal.

Our diary has also been filled with some pampering time, including a visit from the hairdresser and some nail painting sessions, which our ladies really love.

As always, we were very pleased when Reuben the ‘Pets As Therapy‘ dog came in to see us. He always brings a smile to everyone he meets at Abbotsleigh and we all love his company.



