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From bingo to birthdays at Abbotsleigh Care Home

We kept ourselves busy last month with lots of arts and craft activities here at Abbotsleigh Care Home.

We made some pretty butterfly decorations; Jenny wanted hers in her hair and Barbra on the zip of her hand bag. We also made paper hedgehogs and enjoyed biscuit decorating with colourful icing and sprinkles – yum!

Our ladies have also enjoy crafting cards using dried flowers from our garden from the summer. Barbra gave hers to her daughter as a present and she was so thrilled with it that she’s going to mount it in a frame and display it on her dresser.

Our lovely retriever Ruben came to visit and James really wanted us to keep him, he enjoyed his company so much! We would all love to keep Ruben to ourselves as he’s so loving and comforting, and we love making a fuss of him. He’s such a wonderful Pets as Therapy (PET) dog and we really appreciate all his visits.

We kept up our exercises and held an indoor football game, with a walking frame strategically placed as a goal post! It was great fun and as we were all winners, everyone received a prize.

We also all came together to play bingo with some family members which was such a good giggle, with lots laughter from everyone.

We’ve been buzzing with birthdays too! Starting with Iris, then Mary, Rosemary and then Eddie. There has been a lot of cake to be had at out Home! We wished them all wonderful birthdays and felt blessed that we could share their special days at Abbotsleigh.



