We’ve had a really fun week of activities last week here at Abbotsleigh Care Home, full of hugs and laughter!
Hugging it out
Monday was ‘National Hugging Day‘ so we entered fully into the spirit of the occasion. Everyone who wanted a hug, or wanted to hug someone else, was encouraged to spread the love! It’s amazing how warm and comforting a good hug can be.
On Tuesday, Sam our lovely hairdresser came in to our Home which we always look forward to. We also continued with the preparations for our Hawaii Party next month and Kerry from our Well-Being team enjoyed having a dance with Frank!
What a laugh!
During our Coffee Morning on Wednesday we tried ‘laughing yoga‘ which was a big success. The idea is that you just start laughing loudly and see how infectious it becomes! We also listened to babies giggling on YouTube which created lots more laughter. Great fun!
Later in the week we enjoyed lots of one-to-one quality time with our ladies and gents and also popped out to Frankie’s Café with some of our residents for a ‘cuppa and cake’ treat – delicious!
Friday was Burns Night so we sat together reading Robert Burns poems and discussing ‘haggis suppers’ whilst listening to Scottish music to mark the occasion, which was very cosy.
We were excited to have a visit from Animalia, who brought us an interesting array of animals to experience including rabbits, tortoises, hedgehogs and even a hairless Guinea pig! The therapeutic effect of animals is really wonderful and our residents loved touching and feeling the Animalia pets – so relaxing.
Big Garden Birdwatch 2019 (26-28 Jan)
On Saturday 26 January, we joined thousands of people across the UK involved the Big Garden Birdwatch, and spent time watching out for birds on our garden feeders, naming them and colouring bird pictures.
More than half a million people were expected to watch and count garden birds across the UK in this event organised by the RSPB. Now in its 40th year, it is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Over 3 days people are encouraged to spend one hour watching and recording the birds in their garden or local public space. The results are then collated by the RSPB. (www.rspb.org.uk)
We always love watching out for our beautiful feathered friends and it was nice to think we were taking part in a nationwide event.