We’ve had a busy week of birthdays here at Abbotsleigh Care Home!
Our lovely Jenny. M celebrated turning 78 on Tuesday 9 June. Then Betty K turned 87 on Wednesday 10 June, as did Marion T! So we’ve had decorations, delicious cakes and singing all around our Home! It’s been great fun celebrating with our ladies. Many happy returns to all three!
We have also been doing lots of arts and crafts over the past few weeks and we’re please to have put the finishing touches on to our brilliant wind chimes, which will look fantastic on display.
Our lovely Reg R got really stuck in with some gardening in the week, helping to plant some tomato plants. We’re looking forward to seeing them thrive.
And finally, as it was Carers Week last week, all our lovely Carers were presented with a big box of chocolates from Nellsar in recognition of all their hard work. Thank you to all our Carers who do such an incredible job.