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Raising Awareness around Menopause at Abbotsleigh Care Home

World Menopause Day (WMD) is held each year on 18 October to raise awareness, break the stigma and highlight the support available for improving the health and well-being of those affected. Here at Abbotsleigh Care Home, we set up a table with lots of information on the menopause for everyone to see.

Menopause is not just a gender or age issue; it is an organisational issue which can impact colleagues both directly or indirectly. Nellsar Care Homes is working towards becoming a menopause-friendly workplace and we want to give our team members all the help and information that they could need.

We at Abbotsleigh believe that open conversation on the topic of menopause is the way forward, and involving our residents on World Menopause Day with fun arts and crafts was a great step in the right direction. Our ladies and gentlemen made pink hand-prints on canvas and we wore hearts. Our colleagues also enjoyed a “cheers!” with non alcoholic pink fizz!



